Found Poem

I chose to create my found poem about disability discrimination and rights. I felt like it tied in well to what we have learned throughout this course about racial equality. It makes me mad whenever I see someone treated differently just because of something that they cannot control. Reading this research article made me upset when it said that women reported more sexual abuse as well as physical abuse.

I arranged the words in the best way to get the message quickly and efficiently to the reader. The hardest part to me for this assignment was figuring out what made me feel upset. Once I did it was pretty easy for me to figure out how I wanted the poem to be setup. This assignment also made me realize that its hard for me to think about a piece of work that makes me feel mad or upset.

Dammeyer, Jesper, and Madeleine Chapman. “A National Survey on Violence and Discrimination among People with Disabilities.” BMC Public Health, BioMed Central, 15 Mar. 2018,

One Reply to “Found Poem”

  1. Hi Logan I feel like the topic of your found poem is a topic that needs to be talked about more. The words that stuck out to me were “Individuals with disabilities” followed by the words “Higher level of violence”. Those words struck me because I am personally someone who uses hearing aids because of hearing loss and someone who feels like they come off as autistic compared to other people. I agree with the placing of the phrases close together because usually when there is a shooting or violence turns out a good majority of the shooters have a mental disability, any disability, or bullied while in school. But just because there has been a lot of violent people who have had disabilities, I feel like society shouldn’t group all individuals with disabilities with those who are violent. My family and friends would probably say that even though I am not the most talkative that I am one of the more kind hearted people they probably know. But sadly, those are some words that could be said about a few violent individuals with disabilities.

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