Found Poem

I chose to create my found poem about disability discrimination and rights. I felt like it tied in well to what we have learned throughout this course about racial equality. It makes me mad whenever I see someone treated differently just because of something that they cannot control. Reading this research article made me upset when it said that women reported more sexual abuse as well as physical abuse.

I arranged the words in the best way to get the message quickly and efficiently to the reader. The hardest part to me for this assignment was figuring out what made me feel upset. Once I did it was pretty easy for me to figure out how I wanted the poem to be setup. This assignment also made me realize that its hard for me to think about a piece of work that makes me feel mad or upset.

Dammeyer, Jesper, and Madeleine Chapman. “A National Survey on Violence and Discrimination among People with Disabilities.” BMC Public Health, BioMed Central, 15 Mar. 2018,

Are you in control? Or does the world control you?

Citizen, by Claudia Rankine shows the reader what it’s like to be an outlier in society as she shares here personal experiences of what it is like to be a women of color in the world that we live in. As well she shares stories from other people who have gone through similar situations as her. All of these stories help the reader become more engaged as some of the stories are in daily situations that some people would never think twice about, but in her life and many others like her these daily situations can turn into something that’ll never be forgotten. This is simply because of society’s stereotypes that effect the daily lives of individuals. As a person born with a physical disability I personally connected to some of Rankine’s stories.

The stories she shares show how sometimes you simply cannot control every part of your life. Rankine stated “The world out there insisting on this only half concerns you. what happens to you doesn’t belong to you, only half concerns you. It’s not yours. Not yours only. (Rankine 141). Rankine is implying that what happens to you is sometimes out of your control. The important part of that quote is the word “half” meaning that yes you have control of your life such as your ambitions and goals. However the things out off your control is only because of society’s views. Another example is when Rankine states “A body in the world drowns it” (Rankine 142) meaning that what the world see’s in a body defies it’s outcomes. This is true in some cases, and not in others. The key is we do not have control of the things we are given or the things we are not. However, if your able to push past all the hurdles, are you then in control? If the answer is yes or no the world is always going to act a certain way and that is what will never be within your control. This helps explain her quote of “How to care for a injured body. The kind of body that cannot hold the content it is living in” (Rankine 143). The injured body is not physically injured. It is injured by the memories of it’s past. The memories caused by factors such as ethnicity. which it is not like we can choose our ethnicity. It is just simply given to us. Therefore we should embrace the obstacles we face as they only build our character and make us stronger human beings.

Rankine stated “The worst feeling is the feeling that you don’t belong so much” (Rankine 146) implying that her stories of being treated differently made her feel worse than any other thing that has happened to her. If you have ever been treated differently because of something you had no control over how would it make you feel. It obviously bothered Rankine, and had a huge impact on the life that she lived and the views she had developed. People of color face these situations and feelings commonly and it is wrong. The color of your skin only resembles how close to the equator your ancestors lived yet it leaves social impacts on millions of lives. These impacts are seen in the stories that Rankine shares, and it is heartbreaking to know that something so simple can cause these situations. Situations that are a result of people feeling more important, more valuable just because of the color of there skin. The stories shed light into a dark world, and it makes the reader realize the important aspects to apply to there own lives to overcome any obstacle they may face.

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you think Rankine meant by “The world out there insisting on this only half concerns you. what happens to you doesn’t belong to you, only half concerns you. It’s not yours. Not yours only.” (Rankine 141).
  2. Do you agree with Rankine’s statement of “The worst feeling is the feeling that you don’t belong so much” (Rankine 146). If you faced the same obstacles she had, how would you react? Would you stand up for yourself?

Works Cited:

Rankine, Claudia, 1963-author. Citizen : An American Lyric. Minneapolis, Minnesota : Graywolf Press, 2014.


Hey! My name is Logan Knowles and i’m from Horseheads, New York. I’m going to SUNY Cortland majoring in biology and I like to read about biographies of people who have overcome hurdles throughout there life that led them to reach there goals. A fun fact about me is that I love to ski!
